Black Lives Matter

A Message from the Artistic Director

Shakespeare in Clark Park is rooted in our community. The neighborhood is our stage and our inspiration.

Right now that community is speaking out in anger, in mourning and with a demand for accountability. The murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery: along with thousands of lost Black lives before them, has led to powerful demonstrations across the United States and Philadelphia. As an arts organization dedicated to our community we believe it is our duty to take in the anger, to share in the mourning and to answer the call for accountability.

Right now that means that I and many of SCP’s team are turning their focus to supporting #blacklivesmatter with our bodies, our creativity and our resources.

As we look to the future of our company it means we are asking our selves how we can more forcefully confront White Supremacy. We have failed in the past. We owe it to our community to do better.

An immediate step we want to take is to more vigorously support Black Artists. If you would like to join us, you can give to the Philly Black Working Artist fund here.


Kittson O’Neill, Artistic Director